Hello friends! A few cool updates from me…
My oracle deck, The Infinite Possibilities Oracle Deck – for young people and the young at heart, is now being sold at all ten House of Intuition locations. This is one of my favorite stores, and I feel super honored to have my cards on their shelves. They have stores all throughout California, and one location in Miami, FL.
The deck is also available on my Etsy, if anyone needs any holiday gifts: https://www.etsy.com/listing/899446842/the-infinite-possibilities-oracle-deck?fbclid=IwAR3ZZdvw7aBBMyDuBS4iPHEU_-nVjLVrHMIJRw2zIgrVE6EWWhdI_0TIyAo
A month ago I sold decks and comics at the Los Feliz Flea Market with my friend Bethany of So Fetch Thrift.
In life news, I returned from working in Vancouver about a month ago now. Since then, I have been busy on a writing project of mine. More on that hopefully very soon, I’m excited to share.
While in Vancouver, I appeared (via zoom from my hotel couch) on The TODAY SHOW! You can watch that here: https://www.today.com/video/rising-star-taylor-blackwell-performs-never-could-122792005847
Thank you for your continued support, and happy holidays.